Antal indlæg: 3389 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
A shocking video featuring the capture, beating, and skinning of dogs in Thailand for the Vietnamese restaurant trade looks set to anger animal lovers worldwide.
Although Thailand is a Buddhist country, which frowns on the killing of any living being, the video released by a new organisation called the Animal Activist Alliance which plans to demonstrate in Bangkok on Thursday, April 5th, highlights the cruel side of this trade.
It is not for the squeamish…and there is a longer version available.
Short version
This is the AAA Press Release.
It’s Time For All Animal Helpers and Lovers To Speak Up For Animals!
While we, the people of Thailand, live our happy lives in a fast developing country there are some living with us that do not live happy lives, but go through torture, pain and misery with no protection laws in place, the animals.
The Animal Activist Alliance or AAA is inviting all those who love, help or protect animals to join us on Thursday the 5th of April for a short protest to push for the acceptance of animal welfare law and animal protection laws in Thailand. The main objectives for the protest are;
1. To show the concern of the Thai people for the lives of animals and their wellbeing in Thailand, whit handing over a petition with 10,000 signatures for a law proposal to parliament.
2. To inform and educate the Thai public on animal welfare issues and to ask for more public support.
3. To present evidence of animal torture that has been kept secret until this day.
4. To show the international media and public that Thai citizens do care about animal wellbeing and animal rights.
5. To make government and the citizen of Thailand understand the problems animals in Thailand face and to present a solution in the form of animal welfare laws presented by several popular Thai celebrities.
What is AAA? The AAA is a newly formed alliance in Thailand with the objective of pushing for animal protection laws in Thailand, the introduction of animal rights and the stop to animal torture. The alliance currently has 24 member groups and organizations
Antal indlæg: 16 Tilmeldt: 10.02.12 Status: Offline
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Dog rescue 191 Surgery wound ขาหัก-แผลรามคำแหง176 We go to help a stray dog had the leg is broken and the sore wound . We save his life with surgery and dressing wound.
Dog rescue 191 The fact of FFSD ข้อเท็จจริงจากผู้แจ้ง Foundation For Stray Dogs was bulided by Dr. Auritouch Rodnirun in 2003 . That has 3 projects 1. Dogrescue 2 Stop dogs drop - stop dogs-accidents - stop dogs-cruelty 3. the ethical treatment of animal to human-moral.
Foundation For Stray Dogs (Bangkok,Thailand) in 2003 FOR FREE. The stray dogs in Bangkok&Urban cames very much for treatment. The staffs help them all with 200 cages in hospital.Finally we loose the hospital in 2005 . Now we stay in Tongkung Temple prachautid Rd. Bangkok Thailand.
After Foundation For Stray Dogs came in Tungkung Temple Bangkok in2005. We rescue every where in Bangkok&Urban until now.
Dr. Auritouch said " In thailand stray dogs are very poor and most people don't interest stray dogs problem , I hope the world see and I wait for you to help them.This Foundation can build large as same as the pass we done " , ,
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