Antal indlæg: 1877 Tilmeldt: 23.10.09 Status: Offline
Thailand's tourist industry is driving a brutal trade in baby elephants. Illegal and brutal cross-border trade in endangered wild Asian elephants continues. On the Thai-Myanmar border at least 50-100 calves and young females are removed from their forest homes every year and are traded illegally every year to supply tourist camps. Countless elephants die in the process threatening the remaining populations of this endangered species.
Capturing elephants from the wild for this trade often involves killing of mothers and other protective family members with automatic weapons. Captured calves are subjected to an extremely brutal breaking-in process where they are tied up, confined, starved, beaten and tortured in order to break their spirits. It is estimated that only one in three survive this inhumane "domestication" process. This original investigative report by The Ecologist Film Unit in association with Earth Focus/Link TV and Elephant Family exposes this practice.
Antal indlæg: 1877 Tilmeldt: 23.10.09 Status: Offline
Elephant smuggling exposed: UK tourists fuel live elephant trade between Burma & Thailand
An illegal and brutal cross-border trade in endangered wild Asian elephants to serve Thailand's tourist industry is threatening the future of the species, an undercover investigation by the Ecologist Film Unit (EFU), Link TV and Elephant Family reveals
Antal indlæg: 3631 Tilmeldt: 20.02.09 Status: Offline
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Den gør ondt helt ind i hjertet at se på, men det overrasker mig desværre ikke. 10 Bht her, og 10 Bht der
om 20 år kan vi kun se naturen på film en sørgelig udvikling er i gang over alt i verden naturen , dyrene mishandles/ødelægges i jagten på ussel marmor