Thainess ?
bille |
Skrevet d. 05-05-2024 11:08

Antal indlæg: 97
Tilmeldt: 28.08.16
Rubber recycling for sustainable future
A 55-year-old company specialised in recycling tyres discusses the evolution of rubber recycling, innovative processes such as devulcanisation
and its commitment to sustainability.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong
egon |
Skrevet d. 06-05-2024 17:41

Antal indlæg: 203
Tilmeldt: 16.11.09
Smukke Erik |
Skrevet d. 09-05-2024 08:06

Antal indlæg: 64
Tilmeldt: 31.05.22
Shadow play festival in Ratchaburi
An annual shadow play festival took place at Khanon Temple in Ratchaburi last
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong | Published: 8 May 2024
M55 |
Skrevet d. 10-05-2024 09:21

Antal indlæg: 1883
Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
Having a blast
Spectators gather to watch a rocket launching competition at the 'Look Noo' festival
in tambon Ban Chang of Pathum Thani's Muang district. The Mon practice of
lighting up funeral pyres with rockets, which was initially meant as a way to
honour venerated individuals, has evolved over the years into an amateur rocket-
launching competition attended by hundreds of participants from across the
country. (Photos: Pongpat Wongyala)
Published: 29 Apr 2024
thai |
Skrevet d. 12-05-2024 08:45

Antal indlæg: 3423
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
Thai mulberry farmers' quest for knowledge in Japan
The Foundation for Community Soul has received funding to carry out the 'Climate Smart Farmer Model for Mulberry Silk Cultivation in Surin Province, Thailand' project.
Supported by the AF-EU-UNDP Innovation Small Grants Aggregator Platform, this initiative stands out as the only Thai project among 23 globally funded endeavours.
As part of this effort, the foundation has arranged for 10 local mulberry farmers to embark on a study tour to the city of Matsumoto, Japan, from April 1 to 5, 2024.
The aim is to gain insights into advanced practices in silk cultivation.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong
Tulle |
Skrevet d. 19-05-2024 15:04

Antal indlæg: 216
Tilmeldt: 10.01.12
A journey from moka pot enthusiast to coffee extractor inventor
Join Pongdet Chamdoung on a coffee journey, starting with simple moka pot brews shared with everyone. His discovery of Omkoi coffee inspired him to develop unique roasting methods and equipment.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong
IT |
Skrevet d. 22-05-2024 13:08

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Crafting melodies - one guitar at a time
Luthier Treenate Phimjan talks about the art of guitar building and why hand-crafted ones are far superior to those of popular brands.
Currently, she is working on more than 40 orders, which might take about three years to complete.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
IT |
Skrevet d. 23-05-2024 08:53

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Visakha view
A float decked out with images of the Lord Buddha and naga mythical serpents
forms part of a procession to celebrate Visakha Bucha Day on Wednesday at the
Buddha Monthon park in Nakhon Pathom. As one of the most important days for
Buddhists, it commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Lord
Buddha. (Photos: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Published: 21 May 2024
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
thai |
Skrevet d. 25-05-2024 15:55

Antal indlæg: 3423
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
Lopburi’s underwear thief finally caught
Lopburi residents can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the notorious monkey, infamous for stealing women’s underwear, has been captured. The mischievous primate caused significant distress in the area, even disrupting local businesses.
The saga began when a frustrated shop owner in Lopburi, known for her suit store, reached breaking point after repeated thefts by the monkey, named Ai Waeng. The monkey had developed a peculiar habit of sneaking into the store and making off with underwear and other intimate apparel.
Despite efforts to deter the monkey with protective grilles, Ai Waeng proved persistent, finding ways to climb over and steal the items while no one was watching. As a result, the shop owner offered a 500 baht reward for the capture of the troublesome thief.
“We couldn’t run our businesses in peace. Every time we turned around, something was missing. It was driving us mad.”
read more |
tinner |
Skrevet d. 27-05-2024 16:22

Antal indlæg: 85
Tilmeldt: 04.06.11
Filmen tager jer med til et smukt, forladt tempel i Thailand,
Jeg kan ikke beskrive den mystiske og ærefrygtindgydende atmosfære, der hang i luften, da jeg trådte ind i dette gamle tempel. Det var som om tiden havde stået stille, og kun munkens tilstedeværelse holdt stedet i live. Ja, du hørte rigtigt - jeg mødte faktisk en munk, der stadig boede der helt alene!
Vi havde en fantastisk samtale, hvor han delte utrolige historier om klostrets historie og visdommen forbundet med det. Hans ord fik mig virkelig til at reflektere over betydningen af åndelighed og fred.
bebe |
Skrevet d. 30-05-2024 08:35

Antal indlæg: 125
Tilmeldt: 11.01.12
Faith and fortune
Mazu Goddess, a Chinese sea goddess, is believed to grant wishes. Hence, people visit the Mazu Shrine (Chao Mae Tubtim Shrine) in Lhong 1919, the historic riverfront area, to pray.
Published: 29 May 2024
IT |
Skrevet d. 03-06-2024 11:12

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Inspired by Mixed Martial Arts, Thai police plan their own ground-and-pound competition in the ring - to better prepare them for the reality of law enforcement on the streets, where there are no rules.
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
ana |
Skrevet d. 05-06-2024 09:37

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
A sibling bond
Chittakarn Suvanabhat transforms her autistic brother's travel dreams into vibrant artwork.
ana |
Skrevet d. 06-06-2024 14:38

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
"Kids Are Too Expensive!” How Thailand Became One Of The World's Fastest Aging Countries | Insight
After Singapore, Thailand has the lowest fertility rate in Southeast Asia, making it one of the fastest aging countries in the world. The problem is, Thailand will grow old before it grows rich.
An aging society is typically a predicament affecting developed nations. But Thailand is still developing. So, why is it facing a population crisis ahead of time? How did culture, religion, the economy, policies, and politics drive down the birthrate in the Land of Smiles? The Thai government is changing the laws to encourage more births. Can they reverse the slide? And, faced with a stagnating economy and competition from its younger neighbours, what does it mean for Thailand if it cannot rejuvenate its fertility rate?
ana |
Skrevet d. 07-06-2024 14:59

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
A yantra tattoo master has tapped into the Labubu craze, merging the iconic doll with ancient yantra designs.
ana |
Skrevet d. 09-06-2024 09:38

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
A man who "never fought back in school" developed a grown-up passion for boxing and set up the popular YouTube channel Mr Fight.
What began as friends learning and practising together now features street fights nationwide.
ana |
Skrevet d. 10-06-2024 08:20

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Quiet whispers
Two women on Saturday whisper a secret wish into the ears of mouse statues at the 'Eat Pray Art with Bro! Ganesha' in the hope they will convey their wish to Lord Ganesha, at MunMun Srinakarin. The mouse is a vehicle of Ganesha. The event ends on Sunday. (Photos: Somchai Poomlard)
thai |
Skrevet d. 12-06-2024 06:36

Antal indlæg: 3423
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
Dyrepasser kvæstet ved sjælden elefantfødsel
En elefantfødsel nord for Bangkok i Thailand endte forleden i dramatiske scener, da en dyrepasser måtte springe til for at hindre, at en nyfødt elefantunge blev slået ihjel af sin egen mor.
Undervejs i processen kom dyrepasseren til skade.
Elefanten nedkom ikke bare med én unge. Hun fødte tvillinger, hvilket er sjældent hos elefanter og tilsyneladende forskrækkede moren, fortæller personalet hos dyreparken Ayutthaya Elephant Palace.
Som regel føder elefanter kun én unge ad gangen. Men ved én ud af 100 elefantfødsler bliver der født tvillinger.
Ungerne skal i overensstemmelse med thailandsk tradition navngives på fredag - syv dage efter deres fødsel.
»Læs nærmere her: MSN
»Læs nærmere her: วังช้างอยุธยา แล เพนียด Ayutthaya Elephant Palace & Royal Kraal
»Læs nærmere her: Elephantstay |
thai |
Skrevet d. 17-06-2024 11:43

Antal indlæg: 3423
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
Charity and collectables
Pop Mart is offering 'blind box' art toys as incentives to young people to donate blood.
ana |
Skrevet d. 18-06-2024 17:42

Antal indlæg: 138
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Charity and collectables
Pop Mart is offering 'blind box' art toys as incentives to young people to donate blood.