Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Manhunt Over Gruesome Murder of 2 Tourists On Popular Island

Oprettet af per1234 d. 15-09-2014 10:11

SURAT THANI — Police have closed down all piers on the island of Koh Tao in an effort to entrap a suspect behind the brutal murder of two foreign tourists on the island.

Police say two Caucasian tourists, a man and a woman, were found dead near Hat Sai Ri Beach on the island this morning. The female tourist was naked and "slashed" to death, police say, while the male tourist was killed with a "cutting wound" on the back of his neck.

The two bodies were found 20 metres apart from each other, and approximately 100 metres away from the nearest bar on the beach. A bloody hoe was also found in the area, leading police to suspect that it was used in the gruesome murders.

Witnesses said they saw the two tourists, believed to be a couple, drinking and dancing with other party-goers on the beach the previous night. The pair then left the party, presumably to take a stroll, according to witnesses.

Police believe the suspect may have attempted to sexually assault the female victim before she was killed.

Koh Tao is a popular tourist destination in the Gulf of Thailand near Koh Pha Ngan island, the site of the famous Full Moon Party.


Oprettet af per1234 d. 15-09-2014 10:32

Details are still emerging but it's known that the bodies of a young British woman and an Irish man were found early today on a beach at Koh Tao, a small island near the full moon party destination of Koh Pangan, in the Gulf of Thailand.

Oprettet af yindee d. 16-09-2014 05:13

Politiet har anholdt tre de var i besiddelse af kvindes telefon

deres tøj var indsmurt i blod, tøjet bliver nu undersøgt for dna

så mon ikke det er var de tre

vi venter på flere venter på flere detaljer

Redigeret af yindee d. 16-09-2014 05:14

Oprettet af yindee d. 16-09-2014 07:58

Surat police detain three Myanmar workers for questioning in connection with Britons murder


Oprettet af M55 d. 16-09-2014 11:10

en lille video med de tre anholdte

Redigeret af ADM d. 16-09-2014 11:27

Oprettet af M55 d. 17-09-2014 02:52

Myanmar suspects released

POLICE LAST NIGHT ruled out three Myanmar workers being involved in the murder of two British tourists, as the government appeared to call into question the "behaviour" of the victims themselves.

The bodies of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, both 24, arrived in Bangkok late yesterday for forensic examination.

The victims were found naked and beaten to death early on Monday near a beachside bungalow on Koh Tao, a popular diving spot near Koh Pha-ngan. A bloodied hoe was discovered 35 metres from the murder scene.

Three male Myanmar workers were held for questioning, but ruled out of the investigation yesterday afternoon, southern regional police commander Panya Mamen told AFP.

"They were very far from the scene ... it was probably not them," he said, adding that DNA samples had been collected from the men. However, he did not give details of any further leads as the manhunt on the small, normally tranquil island stretched into a second day without an arrest.

Police have also cleared a number of British tourists who travelled with the victims of being involved.

Earlier yesterday, local TV news reports showed police officers searching several shacks belonging to Myanmar migrants on the island.

Yesterday, Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha said "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too, because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," he told reporters, adding the authorities were working "swiftly" to find the killers.

Koh Tao, home to stunning white sand beaches and azure waters, is popular with divers but is smaller and more laid-back than neighbouring Koh Phangan—which draws hordes of backpackers to its hedonistic "full moon" party.

Later Prayuth said local people must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand".

Police had earlier said the pair had been seen partying at a local bar just hours before they died.

Police sources said police had found a pair of blood-stained jeans and four iPhones - two of which had screens that were cracked - in a search of nine rooms occupied by six migrants yesterday.

The country is desperate to avoid further damage to the nation's lucrative tourism industry, which has been battered in recent months after a prolonged political crisis ended in a coup.

The army swiftly blanketed the country with a curfew and strict martial law, frightening off visitors.

Britain says Thailand is the country where its citizens are second most likely to require consular assistance if they visit, behind the Philippines.

There were 389 deaths of British nationals in Thailand in the year to March 2013 -- about one for every 2,400 British visitors or residents—although that figure includes natural causes.

But it is rare for tourists to be murdered in Thailand, although it is not uncommon for visitors to die accidentally.

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmueng earlier said the suspect is seen in the footage walking around the scene of the murders, on Chor Por Ror beach.

Somyot said it was assumed that the killer or killers would be local residents or migrant workers, as they would know where to acquire the murder weapon - a hoe.

He said Prayuth Chan-ocha had phoned him to directly instruct him to identify and arrest those responsible as a matter of utmost urgency.

Prayuth spoke to reporters at Government House, acknowledging that the murders had affected Thailand and its public image in terms of tourism, and that he would ask the police to speed up the investigation.

Meanwhile, the regional Tourism Authority office tasked with affairs in Europe, Africa and the Middle East issued a statement to the press in the United Kingdom expressing sorrow over the double-murder and condemning the violence as unacceptable, while vowing to maintain efforts to identify and arrest the killers.


Oprettet af M55 d. 17-09-2014 07:14

Friends of murdered Britons asked to remain in Thailand

Police have asked friends of David Miller, one of the British tourist killed in Koh Tao, to remain in Thailand pending further investigation into his murder, Deputy Police Chief Gen Somyot Pumpunmuang said Wednesday.

Miller’s friends, whom Somyot did not identify, were at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, about to leave Thailand.

Somyot said the two of Miller's friends have been asked to remain in Thailand for 48 hours pending investigation and results of samples DNA collected from the victims’ bodies.


Oprettet af maichai d. 19-09-2014 11:54

Politiets teori: Hannahs mordere voldtog hende og delte en smøg
Thailandsk politi ændrer endnu engang fokus i jagten på den eller de personer, som i sidste weekend dræbte den 23-årige Hannah Witheridge og den 24-årige David Miller på en øde strand. Nu leder man efter to mænd, som tilsyneladende delte en smøg ved gerningsstedet og efterlod deres sæd i den dræbte britiske kvinde.

Witheridge og Miller blev fundet dræbt på den lille ø Koh Tao tidligt mandag morgen, begge dræbt på bestialsk vis med store skader på ansigt og hoved.

I første omgang rettede politiets mistanke sig mod nogle gæstearbejdere. 11 personer - tilsyneladende Rohingya-flygtninge fra det muslimske mindretal i Myanmar - blev taget ind til afhøring og afgav DNA-prøver til det lokale politi.

Derefter blev to britiske brødre fra David Millers rejsegruppe (den ene boede i samme værelse som ofret), tilbageholdt i Bangkok og måtte afgive DNA-prøver.

Tirsdag og onsdag blev ligene af de to dræbte turister obduceret i Bangkok, og DNA-sammenligninger viste, at hverken de 11 gæstearbejdere på Koh Tao eller de to britiske brødre havde afsat nogle spor i nærheden af ofrene. Brødrene fik torsdag lov til at rejse hjem og steg på et fly til London.

DNA fra sæd efterladt i Hannah Witheridges krop viste sig ikke at matche David Millers DNA og aflivede dermed teorien om, at de to turister var blevet dræbt under eller efter en hyrdetime på den øde strand - noget som absolut ikke er velset i Thailand.

Til gengæld matcher de to forskellige mandlige DNA fra sæden noget DNA, der er fundet på et efterladt cigaretskod på gerningsstedet, skriver Bangkok Post. Onsdag aften bekræftede thailandsk politi da også, at de tekniske undersøgelser tilsyneladende viste, at den 23-årige Hannah Witheridge var blevet voldtaget.

Politiet leder nu efter to mænd og de mener stadig, at det er mest sandsynligt, at mændene skal findes blandt gæstearbejdere fra Myanmar, men udelukker ikke, at gerningsmændene kan være thaier eller turister, lyder det fra politichefen i Surat Thani-provinsen.

Tekniske undersøgelser har desuden vist, at der kun er blod fra Hannah Witheridge på den hakke, der blev brugt som drabsvåben af gerningsmændene. David Miller er tilsyneladende blevet dræbt med at andet, skarpt metalobjekt.

Den thailandske premierminister, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, vakte onsdag opsigt med en kontroversiel udtalelse om, at smukke kvindelige turister bringer sig selv i fare ved at antage, at det er sikkert at færdes overalt i Thailand iført bikini.

'Kan de være sikre i bikini - med mindre de er grimme?', spurgte den tidligere hærchef, som tog magten ved et kup tidligere i år.

Torsdag måtte Chan-ocha krybe til korset og undskylde: 'Jeg er ked af, at min udtalelse forårsagede ubehag, Jeg bekræfter, at jeg ikke var nedladende eller ville kritisere nogen. Jeg ville simpelthen advare dem om at være forsigtig i visse områder på visse tidspunkter, lød det fra generalen / premierministeren.

Forklaring: Militærkuppet og den politiske uro, der gik forud, har kostet Thailands turistindustri dyrt. Antallet af turister ligger to millioner under sidste års - en tilbagegang på over 10 procent i en industri, som står for 10 procent af landets bruttonationalprodukt.

Oprettet af Kent d. 21-09-2014 07:52

det ser lidt mærkeligt ud de kontrollere alle ikke thaier, hvem siger at det ikke er en eller to af de lokale thaier der er gerningsmændene

British tourists murder suspects are Asian -Thai police

Redigeret af Kent d. 21-09-2014 07:52

Oprettet af farang d. 21-09-2014 15:05

Rygter rygter lad os nu se hvad der sker

Thai media reporting cops have arrested a 23 year old drug addict suspected of killing the two British backpackers. He was hiding in a cave.

Oprettet af M55 d. 22-09-2014 03:01

DNA samples to be sought of all Koh Tao residents

Oprettet af maichai d. 22-09-2014 08:22

Lokale fiskere i søgelyset efter turistdrab i Thailand

DNA-fund peger på, at asiatiske mænd står bag det blodige dobbeltdrab på ferieøen Koh Tao i Thailand


Oprettet af per1234 d. 22-09-2014 14:11

Scottish man goes into hiding on Thai island after claiming he knows who killed backpackers David Miller and Hannah Witheridge

SEAN McANNA, originally from Glasgow, posted messages on Facebook last night claiming his life was in danger because he knows who killed backpackers David and Hannah a week ago.

He posted: “Thai mafia are trying to kill me. Please help me.” A few minutes later he accused a local bar owner of being responsible.

“He said the island is run by the Thai mafia and he knew the identities of the killer.

“He was frightened for his life and felt he needed help from anyone he could and social media was his best option.

“His mum and sister contacted Scottish and Thai police and he is now safe.

“He will be leaving as soon as he can. We don’t have anymore information at the moment.”


Redigeret af per1234 d. 22-09-2014 16:04

Oprettet af eneber d. 23-09-2014 07:38

Faces of killers?

Scottish tourist 'can ID killers'

read here

Oprettet af M55 d. 23-09-2014 11:28

Hvorfor tager det så lang tid at opklare en sag svaret er: AT borgmesterens bror er blandt de mistænkte

Arrests expected today in Koh Tao murders Brother of island's village chief among suspects

Police say they have identified all the suspects and are linking them to the evidence on hand, he said. "Please have confidence in our work. There will be no scapegoats," Lt Gen Panya said said. "The case is being closely watched worldwide and we're working hard to make the case as airtight as possible."

Suspect in Koh Tao murders taken for questioning

Police have taken into custody for questioning a man who they believe was involved in the murders of two British backpackers on Koh Tao off Surat Thani province last week.

The man is a younger brother of an influential person on the island and believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene.

Pol Lt Gen Punya Mamen, chief investigator for the murders, said on Tuesday that another man suspected of being among the attackers had already fled Koh Tao and was believed to be hiding in Bangkok.

Punya refused to reveal the name of the suspect, saying that police are questioning the man and that the police expected to arrest another man in Bangkok today.

Today was the ninth day since David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, both British, were brutally killed on the island. Both suffered head wounds and police said Witheridge was sexually assaulted.


Redigeret af M55 d. 23-09-2014 11:37

Oprettet af M55 d. 24-09-2014 03:44

Dette turistfoto kan afsløre dobbeltmordere
Turist på thailandsk ferieø kan have fotograferet gerningsmændene til brutalt drab

Ifølge Bangkok Post har politiet tidligere afhørt de to mænd, der begge nægtede alt og samtidig afviste at afgive dna-prøve.

- Jeg er overbevist om, at de to mænd snart vil blive anholdt, siger den nationale vicepolitidirektør Somyot Pumpanmuang.

Politichef i Surat Thani, Kiattipong Khaosam, har tidligere oplyst, at de to mænd blev set 15. september til fods i retning mod Jor Por Ror – samme rute, som Miller og Witheridge var gået, inden de blev fundet dræbt.


Oprettet af Kent d. 24-09-2014 08:52

hvem har gjordt hvad den sag er og bliver rodet tegningen illustrerer godt hvordan der efterforskes , sørgeligt,,,,,,6KodskH.jpg

Redigeret af Kent d. 24-09-2014 08:52

Oprettet af maichai d. 30-09-2014 04:13

Voldtaget af to før drab på ferieø
Thailands politi forsikrer, at turistmordene på Koh Tao vil blive opklaret

Nye grusomme detaljer er nu kommet frem om drabet på to britiske rygsækturister på den thailandske ferieø Koh Tao.

Læs videre her

Oprettet af M55 d. 30-09-2014 04:26

Police investigators have released photographs and video footage of an unidentified man they believe could be a key to resolving the Koh Tao double-murder case and are asking the public to identify him....


Oprettet af yindee d. 02-10-2014 13:43

Tilstår turist-drab i Thailand
En burmesisk mand har tilstået drabene på britiske David Miller og Hannah Witheridge, oplyser politiet

Thailandsk politi mener nu at have fanget manden, som 15. september myrdede to engelske backpackere på ferie-øen Koh Tao.

Der kan dog stadig være medgerningsmænd på fri fod, idet den myrdede kvinde blev voldtaget af to mænd ifølge politiet.

23-årige Hannah Witheridge og 24-årige David Miller blev brutalt slået ihjel med en hakke, da de sammen var på vej hjem fra en våd aften ude. De kendte ikke hinanden inden den skæbnesvangre aften.

Deres delvist afklædte lig blev senere fundet på en strand.

Tre burmesiske arbejdere er blevet tilbageholdt i forbindelse med drabet, og nu har den ene erkendt sin skyld over for politiet, skriver Sky News.

Politiet har endnu ikke sigtet ham, da man venter på svar på nogle DNA-prøver, som endegyldigt skal fastslå hans skyld.


Oprettet af thai d. 04-10-2014 06:54

Wny, in red t-shirt, and Saw are taken for a crime re-enactment on Oct 3, 2014, on alleged murders of David Miller and Hannah Witherridge on Koh Tao in Surat Thani province on Sept 15, 2014, with tight police security on the island. — Tawatchai Khemgumnerd

se foto her: httpS://www.bangk...-enactment

Redigeret af ADM d. 29-08-2019 09:56

Oprettet af LungW d. 04-10-2014 13:48

Den sag stinker langt væk af ged - "scapegoat":


Oprettet af IT d. 04-10-2014 14:12

LungW skrev:
Den sag stinker langt væk af ged - "scapegoat":


et skuespil af rang ja den sag stinker

Oprettet af leif d. 04-10-2014 15:12

Politiet i Thailand fra aller værste side.............
men det bliver ik bedre i vores tid.

Oprettet af LungW d. 04-10-2014 15:29

Det nedarvede/nedgroede kultur-træk der kaldes "ikke at tabe ansigt" bliver det moderne Thailands undergang.

Utroligt at politiet/embedsværket/militæret ikke kan se at denne re-enactment farce er en hån mod ofrene og deres pårørende, og en hån og foragt mod et civiliseret verdenssamfund, hvor folk har lært at tænke selv og især tænke logisk, vurdere facts og tage beslutninger derefter.

Redigeret af LungW d. 04-10-2014 15:41

Oprettet af yindee d. 05-10-2014 04:24

hjælpen er på vej til de to der er anholdt i sagen

Rights group arranges lawyers for Myanmar men

A team of lawyers has been sent to help the two migrant Myanmar workers being charged with murdering two British tourists and raping one of them on Koh Tao, a prominent activist for the rights of migrant workers said yesterday.

The move came amid concerns that the arrested men may not be the real culprits.

Andy Hall, the activist for the rights of migrant workers in Thailand, tweeted yesterday that he was sending a team of lawyers to see the two Myanmar workers charged.

"We are sending the legal team [and] seek to gain access to the accused, to advise them on their rights under Thai law, and provide reliable translation," he said.

Hall pointed out that the desire to get involved stemmed from reports of physical abuse although the activist acknowledged that he had no evidence of physical abuse against the two men charged, nor was there evidence to prove a claim that the police DNA tests were inaccurate.

læs mere her: http://www.nation...44775.html

Oprettet af yindee d. 05-10-2014 04:28

leif skrev:
Politiet i Thailand fra aller værste side.............
men det bliver ik bedre i vores tid.

er enig med dig Leif

det er bare utroligt at politiet forsætter i samme spor det på trods af af at mange allerede på nuværende tidspunk er fyret på grund af deres dumheder

Redigeret af yindee d. 05-10-2014 04:28

Oprettet af leif d. 05-10-2014 12:07

laver det lige om

Redigeret af leif d. 05-10-2014 12:08

Oprettet af leif d. 05-10-2014 12:51

Skulle kunne ses af alle.

glem det meste af videoen, men læg mærke til hvad de siger da de filmer politi stationen.
Politiet vidste 100% hvem det var for havde givet mig print af deres police foto. Men der skete aldrig en skid.

Oprettet af yindee d. 06-10-2014 03:20

I de sidste 10 år er politiet om mulig blevet mere kurupt, nu forsøger hæren at rydde op i lortet, en næsten umulig opgave de har påtaget sig

ja Leif politiet var selvfølgelig klar over hvem der overfaldt dig , de ved alt om hvad der foregår i lokalsamfundet i særdeleshed hvis de kan hente lidt penge

Oprettet af maichai d. 06-10-2014 11:16

I de sidste 10 år er politiet om mulig blevet mere kurupt, nu forsøger hæren at rydde op i lortet, en næsten umulig opgave de har påtaget sig
Nej det thailandske politi har altid været plaget af korruption jeg kan huske for over 30 år siden var det det samme bare mindre penge men det siger jo sig selv på den tid kostede det 20-30 baht at køre uden kørekort
Og hæren prøver ja men det vil tage årtier hvis det skulle lykkedes at bekæmpe korruptionen i politiet det er så indgrodet i dem Og hvad fanden korruption er jo en god ting hvis man selv deltager

Oprettet af sam d. 06-10-2014 13:18

Skulle kunne ses af alle.

Har aldrig set din video , kan se at huset er blevet total ribbet.

Så ellers fin ud, da vi besøgte dig og havde dit favoritmærke med i cerutter.

Godt du blev fundet af fruen og senere kom hjem til Danmark, selv om du ikke er blevet repareret af de danske læger.

Oprettet af leif d. 06-10-2014 13:21

Om det er blevet værre... Jeg syntes det er svært at afgøre. Eller det bare skyldes.. jo mere man ved, desto værre ser det ud.
De tossede færdselsbøder er kun en lille del af det rådenskab der florerer. Det er desværre pengene der styrer hvem der bliver dømt.

Om hæren kan rydde op i det ???? ja de prøver da men jeg er bange for de først og fremmest går efter de små fisk.

Oprettet af maichai d. 06-10-2014 14:20

Om hæren kan rydde op i det ???? ja de prøver da men jeg er bange for de først og fremmest går efter de små fisk.

Vi for se men ved andre militærkup har de da aldrig prøvet så OK det går da i den rigtige vej men ting tager tid og hvis først de overdrager styret til de folkevalgte så bliver alt jo stoppet igen så kommer de små magt liderligere politikere der kun kan se mønt for dem selv og deres familie igen og så starter det hele forfra om de så er gule eller røde

Oprettet af Anonym d. 06-10-2014 15:31

maichai skrev:

Om hæren kan rydde op i det ???? ja de prøver da men jeg er bange for de først og fremmest går efter de små fisk.

Vi for se men ved andre militærkup har de da aldrig prøvet så OK det går da i den rigtige vej men ting tager tid og hvis først de overdrager styret til de folkevalgte så bliver alt jo stoppet igen så kommer de små magt liderligere politikere der kun kan se mønt for dem selv og deres familie igen og så starter det hele forfra om de så er gule eller røde

Thai'er ændrer ikke en skid, hvis ikke det er til deres egen fordel.!!!

Oprettet af farang d. 07-10-2014 08:49

Oprettet af yindee d. 08-10-2014 03:16

leif skrev:
Om det er blevet værre... Jeg syntes det er svært at afgøre. Eller det bare skyldes.. jo mere man ved, desto værre ser det ud.
De tossede færdselsbøder er kun en lille del af det rådenskab der florerer. Det er desværre pengene der styrer hvem der bliver dømt.

Om hæren kan rydde op i det ???? ja de prøver da men jeg er bange for de først og fremmest går efter de små fisk.

det er ikke kun små fisk hæren har fjernet 3 højesteret dommere fra deres embede de bliver forhåbentlig dømt når sagen kommer for retten

jeg kun kun give dig ret i at systemet er pilrådden

et citat fra bangkok post

A high-ranking officer at the Corrections Department once revealed in a TV interview his belief that half of all prisoners were scapegoats.


Oprettet af LungW d. 08-10-2014 14:55

Ændringerne kommer forhåbentlig via de såkaldt sociale medier, det er nye tider, ikke så nemt at snyde længere.


Redigeret af LungW d. 08-10-2014 14:56

Oprettet af leif d. 08-10-2014 15:40

Polititalsmanden Suwat Jaengyodsuk erkender overfor Bangkok Post, at der ikke er fundet dna fra de to anholdte hverken på hakken eller et kondom, der lå nær den dræbte kvinde.

Øv hvor rådden.... læs historien i ekstrabladet..

Håber virkelig de 2 stakler får en masse hjælp.

Oprettet af IT d. 08-10-2014 16:06

leif skrev:
Polititalsmanden Suwat Jaengyodsuk erkender overfor Bangkok Post, at der ikke er fundet dna fra de to anholdte hverken på hakken eller et kondom, der lå nær den dræbte kvinde.

Øv hvor rådden.... læs historien i ekstrabladet..

Håber virkelig de 2 stakler får en masse hjælp.

det er er famne uhyggelig du:o

Pol Maj Gen Suwat Jaengyodsuk, acting deputy chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, said the reason why no DNA from the two suspects was found on either the hoe the police believed the suspects used to murder the victims or a used condom found near the crime scene was because the DNA on both items was probably flushed out by sea water or there was some other form of contamination.

Oprettet af Kent d. 08-10-2014 16:15

det er er famne uhyggelig du:o kan det blive værre ja se selv

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Thai police case against the alleged killers of two British backpackers in Thailand was dealt another devastating blow today after their key witness said he had no knowledge of the murder – even though he too was beaten by Thai police.

læs mere her http://www.andrew...-up-i.html

Oprettet af per1234 d. 09-10-2014 08:28
Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan

hun ved hvad hun udtaler sig om, hun er ærlig og ubestikkelig

Porntip rips Koh Tao investigation

Thailand’s most-respected forensics specialist cast doubts on the police investigation into the death of two British backpackers on Koh Tao Thursday, saying investigators erred when they neglected involve a forensic pathologist.

Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that police did not understand the investigation in the bludgeoning death of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller required a medical examiner.

"The weak point (in the investigation) is that police do not understand that the case requires a forensic pathologist, so the officers who collected evidence did not call in one from Surat Thani Hospital," she said. "A case of two murdered people certainly needs a forensic physician," Khunying Porntip said.

Khunying Porntip's criticism is only the latest blast against the three-week probe into the deaths of the two British tourists Sept 15. A series of bungles - which included allowing tourists to re-enter the crime scene before all evidence was collected - followed by the arrest last week of two Myanmar nationals have led to widespread criticism and accusations the two 21-year-old migrant workers were made scapegoats for the crime.


Oprettet af per1234 d. 10-10-2014 10:39

Thailand beach death: Parents convinced son murdered – and his killing covered up to protect tourism


Redigeret af per1234 d. 10-10-2014 10:44

Oprettet af per1234 d. 11-10-2014 03:49

Præsident går ind i sag om mordmistænkte burmesere

Myanmars præsident, Thein Sein, er nu gået ind i sagen om sine to landsmænd, der er anholdt i en sag om et dobbeltmord på to britiske rygsækrejsende i Thailand.

Det skete, da Thailands premierminister, Prayuth Chan-ocha, fredag var på besøg hos nabolandet mod nordvest, siger en burmesisk embedsmand, ifølge den engelske avis The Guardian.

"Hvis de er skyldige, skal de naturligvis dømmes for deres forbrydelser, men det er vigtigt, at det sker efter en retfærdig rettergang," siger en han til nyhedsbureauet AFP.

De diplomatiske bemærkninger fra den burmesiske præsident kommer dagen efter, at de mordanklagede unge mænd trak deres tilståelser i sagen tilbage. Det meddelte den advokat fra den burmesiske ambassade i Thailand, som bistår de 21-årige, torsdag.

LÆS OGSÅ Burmesere efter mordtilståelse: Vi blev torturerethttp://jyllands-p...Id=7090404

Ifølge den burmesiske embedsmand lovede den thailandske premierminister, at han personligt ville holde øje med, at rettergangen ville blive retfærdig.

De to anholdte har gennem deres burmesiske advokat forklaret, at de blev tortureret af thailandsk politi, indtil de tilstod mordene på 23-årige Hannah Witheridge og 24-årige David Miller, der blev fundet ved vandkanten på den populære ferieø Koh Tao i midten af september måned.

Flere menneskerettighedsgrupper har protesteret over den måde, som politiet i Thailand har håndteret sagen på og har anklaget myndighederne for at bruge de unge burmesere som syndebukke for ikke at skade den vigtige, thailandske turistindustri.

Kritikken mod politiet er hidtil primært kommet fra udenlandske menneskerettighedsgrupper, men torsdag begyndte kritikken også at lyde fra en vægtig thailandsk stemme.

Lederen af Retsmedicinsk Institut i Thailand, Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, undrede sig således, ifølge The Guardian, offentligt over, hvorfor der ikke blev tilkaldt retsmedicinske eksperter til gerningsstedet, da politiet gennemsøgte det for spor, der kunne føre til opklaringen af dobbeltmordet.

LÆS OGSÅ Burmesere tilstår turistdrab i Thailandhttp://jyllands-p...Id=7076225

Politiet har tidligere sagt, at man har fundet beviser, der knytter de to mænd til mordene. Blandt andet skulle mændenes dna være fundet på to cigaretskodder ved gerningsstedet samt på den dræbte kvinde, hvis mobiltelefon skulle være fundet i de to mænds lejlighed.

De mistænktes dna manglede dog både på det formodede mordvåben samt på et brugt kondom, der blev fundet ikke langt fra gerningsstedet.

Og noget kunne tyde på, at beviserne mod de to ikke er overvældende. I hvert fald skrev den thailandske avis The Nation torsdag, at den offentlige anklager har sendt sagen tilbage til politiet og bedt om flere afgørende beviser i sagen.

Men på trods af, at tingene ikke lader til at gå politiets vej, så tager den lokale politichef, der har ansvaret for blandt andet Koh Tao, sagens udvikling med ophøjet ro.

"De mistænkte har ret til at trække deres tilståelser tilbage. Det er ikke unormalt, at det sker i løbet af en sag," siger Prachum Ruengthong til avisen Khaosod.

Ligesom op til fire millioner af deres landsmænd, fungerer de to anholdte burmesere som migrantarbejdere i Thailand.

Oprettet af masa d. 15-10-2014 10:36

det ser nu ud til at englænderne får lov til at snage lidt i sagens akter

Thais agree to foreign observers

Thailand has agreed in principle to allow a team of observers from Britain and Myanmar to observe judicial procedures in the Koh Tao murder case, which has sparked a barrage of media criticism in both countries.


Oprettet af soi8 d. 15-10-2014 11:31

Den sag stinker simpelthen langt væk. Jeg har ikke et sekund været i tvivl om at de to Burmesere er uskyldige, men bliver brugt som syndebukke. Thailand må jo ikke tabe ansigt. Føj for pokker. Lad os blot håbe at de to stakler nu får en retfærdig rettergang når Burma og UK bliver indblandet, og måske HRW (Human Right Watch) og andre internationale humanitære organisationer.

Det thailandske politi er jo er jo ligeglad bare de kan vaske hænderne, og det er jo desværre nok ordre fra højeste instans.

Oprettet af Kent d. 16-10-2014 16:32

Thursday, October 16, 2014 9



A leading Thai media mogul went on his own television station in Bangkok last night and said that Thai police were covering up for the island mafia over the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Sondhi Limthongkul boss of Manager magazine and Asia Satellite Television said on the programme ‘Sondhitalk’ that the police were scared of the local mafia and could not touch them and then right from the start they were covering for them.

“The police tried to help the wrong doers, but the island was so small everyone knew from the start.” He said it was wrong and he believed the Burmese suspects Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin.

The statement by Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of the People’s Alliance for Democracy, is a significant blow to Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha’s statements that Thai Police hide caught the right people. Those statements and others made by Thailand’s police chief have been widely disbelieved.


Redigeret af Kent d. 17-10-2014 00:46

Oprettet af Kent d. 17-10-2014 00:47

Sondhi starts off with a general talk about the new Government and the job Prayuth is doing. He says as a career soldier Prayuth loves country his and King but like previous Governments he is acting like a bureaucrat when he tries to overly protect the Kingdom's reputation.

He said the new guys in power are like all politicians is being only concerned with their own survival and interests. He says Thailand's international reputation will be 'bankrupt' if the tourist industry and the countries interests are put before justice.

He then says it is clear other countries suspect scapegoats have been arrested. He uses the word พิรุธ or phi-rut to describe this Koh Tao case. This word means suspect, dubious, dodgy etc. He uses this word to describe what everyone is saying about the case.

They get onto Koh Tao and the full moon parties with another guy saying everyone from blind Freddy to Dang the street dog knows these parties are where people go for drugs and sex. Sondhi then says world wide everybody knows this but if you ask the Thai police they just deny it.

He then says if drugs are illegal in Thailand how is this then acceptable? It must be stopped or the parties shut down if the Government is fair dinkum about the rule of law. He then says Prayuth himself should go and ask the people on Phuket and Samui etc about this. The people will tell him if he asks.

The whole talk he is intimating Prayuth is a bit naive about certain things and how the police abuse and profit from these things. (I think he is just watching his manners here, not wanting to be too critical of him)

Drugs? Some mistake surely

They then move to a talk about social media and how the masses just don't accept what has gone on in this case.
He says Scotland Yard should be invited into a joint investigation but Thailand doesn't allow this.

He mentions the embassy was called in London for a 'please explain' and says that is not normal unless there is great concern about the case.
They then get onto the fact social media is accusing the son of a local influential figure but it is not only farangs who suspect him, Thais do as well as shown by what is going on on Facebook etc.

Sondhi then starts to fire up about the Thai police saying he has first hand experience about how crooked they can be, he mentions the Sherry Duncan case claiming the police paid fake witnesses to give bogus evidence.

The other guys chime in with the Saudi diamond case as another example.

He then goes on how this 'top down' system of the police must be reformed and a new way of doing things must be developed. He says he doesn't want to talk too much about this as he will be accused of 'not loving his country.' He then says how the hell can you solve the countries problems if you cannot accept the truth? If you close your eyes and don't accept what is true, how can you fix any problem?

They then say the DSI should be called immediately for a case involving a crime of national importance like this. Just like the FBI investigates federal crimes in America. Then there is a brief conversation about the politics of the police in Thailand and how there have been zero reform so far from the new Government.

They then talk about this and how even if somebody offers suggestions about reform they are ignored and things continue as before. When he taps the table Sondhi says all Thai Governments are only interested in two things, their own survival and looking good. He says wait and see if Prayuth and the rest of them don't do exactly that.

Then follows a long political discussion that leads into them saying Pornthip is enemy of the police but that is actually good as it provides a system of checks and balances. They then say this is important to check the 'chain of evidence' from the so called offender right up to when it's presented in court. The taking of DNA must be clean and protected through it's journey through the system. They agree this just doesn't happen in Thailand.

The police take the DNA sample and send it to the lab but nobody knows what happens in between.

They finish by saying nobody should be scared to let somebody else check the DNA, don't be afraid, just let the truth come out. He says tourism has dropped 19% and Thailand's reputation is tied to tourism. They say it is fellows Asians who are scared to come to Thailand not Europeans.

Sondhi closes by saying crimes against farangs are nothing new but there hasn't been such a serious case as the one in Koh Tao. In the past suspects have been caught but this case has left people totally suspicious.


Oprettet af soi8 d. 17-10-2014 09:25

Jeg er bange for og personligt ret sikker på at han, desværre, har ret i sine udtalelser, selvom det er yderst skandaløst men nok desværre kendetegnende for det nye Thailand...og hvor er det en skam, også for de mange dejlige Thailændere som dog stadig er tilbage i dette dejlig land. Korruptionen og Mafiaen har desværre taget overhånd, og troværdigheden forsvundet og vil nu være nærmest umulig at udrydde. Så synd, så synd.

Oprettet af yindee d. 18-10-2014 08:50

der er håb forude



But Thai police chief not happy

British police have been given the green light to investigate DNA procedures and torture claims surrounding the Thai investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Diplomatic sources have confirmed that Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-Ocha has accepted that a British team can now fly out. He was reported to have been pressed by Prime Minister David Cameron during the recent ASEM summit in Milan.

læs mere her

Oprettet af LungW d. 18-10-2014 17:58

Nå, det bliver spændende at se om Generalen har været for hurtig til at behage Cameronen, og der måske er et opgør mellem ham (Prajut) og polib på vej?


Fortsættelse følger, med garanti!

Redigeret af LungW d. 18-10-2014 17:59

Oprettet af per1234 d. 23-10-2014 11:33

der samles ind til de to

Justice: Koh Tao Murder Case

This fundraiser is set up by the Migrant Worker Rights Network (MWRN), a migrant run organisation with more than 3,000 fee-paying Myanmar migrant members, to assist to cover related costs of the accused's defence and a support team to ensure a fair trial for the accused in the Koh Tao case. Essential costs for the accused in prison shall also be supported.

An expert team of lawyers, both from the Lawyers Council of Thailand and independent lawyers, will work Pro Bono on this case but travel costs to a remote island in the Gulf of Thailand, as well as accommodation, food and island based travel costs are high. Court procedure, documentation issues and related tasks also require funds. Living in a Thai prison costs too, such that the accused need to be provided with essential accessories and food supplements.

All funds raised through this campaign will be deposited from Paypal into a bank account jointly and specifically opened for this case. All payments distributed will be certified as being 'case related costs' by the head of the practicing lawyers team in the case. Public reports of spendings will be duly published. - See more at: http://www.youcar...ase/246839

With the arrival in Thailand of the parents of Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin the two 21-year-old Burmese migrant labourers accused of the murders of Hannah Witheridge and Win Zaw Htun a fund has now been set up to pay the for the defence in the coming trial

Redigeret af ADM d. 22-12-2016 11:07

Oprettet af LungW d. 24-10-2014 16:31

Håber det snart er slut med de brune BIB nazi´s og deres gangstermetoder:

"Tun Tun Htike said after the meeting that his son confirmed in tears that he was innocent and that police had tortured him to confess that he and Zaw Lin had killed the two British tourists."

"The interrogators told them to confess to the crime, and threatened to cut off their limbs, put them in a bag and dump them in a river if they did not,'' DVB quoted him as saying. The police also threatened to tie the two boys to a tyre, pour petrol on it, and set it alight," the father said. "My son said they were terrified and confessed. But now that we [their parents and Myanmar officials] are present, they can speak the truth — that they did not commit the murder."


Redigeret af LungW d. 24-10-2014 16:42

Oprettet af per1234 d. 26-10-2014 02:58

mon de finder sandheden

British authorities at Koh Tao crime scene
SURAT THANI — British police made a surprise visit to Koh Tao on Saturday to inspect locations related to the murders of two backpackers, a source said.

They arrived on the island by helicopter from Bangkok, accompanied by Jarumporn Suramanee, an adviser to the national police chief, and Suwat Jaengyodsuk, acting deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

The trip was kept secret, with no police officers in Surat Thani province or Provincial Police Region 8 informed. Police based on Koh Tao and neighbouring Koh Phangan were not allowed to join the meeting or take pictures of the visitors


Oprettet af LungW d. 01-11-2014 17:46

Så har sønnen af poo yai baan afleveret DNA. Hvorfor nu, og ikke lige efter da han var mest i vælten i pressen og på nettet?


Det stinker langt væk, kan de virkelig være så udspekuleret kyniske at det hele er et fupnummer?

Har man glemt dette:

"The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.
Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested."


Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen blev senere fjernet fra sagen og en ny udpeget af Prayuth overtog.

Redigeret af LungW d. 01-11-2014 17:48

Oprettet af yindee d. 02-11-2014 04:49

det er ikke alle der tror på politiet evner anklage myndighederne på koh samui er utilfredse med politiet arbejde

Prosecutor demand more evidences from the police handling Koh Tao case

Koh Samui public prosecutor has returned the police case file on Koh Tao murder back to the police with a demand for additional interrogation of the Rohinya interpreter employed by the police.

The public prosecutor’s latest move followed complaints from the parents of the two arrested suspects who claimed that the suspects were beaten up by the interpreter to extract their confession to the murder of two British backpackers on Koh Tao in mid-September.

Rohinyas and the people of Rakhine state of Myanmar do not get along well with each other and are hostile toward each other. The two suspects are ethnic Rakines

Earlier the KohSamui twice asked the police handling the murder case for additional evidences about the case. This was the third demand from the prosecutor.


Redigeret af yindee d. 02-11-2014 04:49

Oprettet af soi8 d. 02-11-2014 12:31

Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

Oprettet af yindee d. 03-11-2014 11:06

soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag

Oprettet af soi8 d. 03-11-2014 11:31

yindee skrev:
soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag

Det gør jeg heller ikke yindee, eller jeg håber den nærmest den gør, da der da vist ikke er meget tvivl om at de to drenge er uskyldige, men der hvor jeg vil hen med min kommentar er jo at så står man uden mistænkte da man (politiet) har satset på at få de to dømt. Personligt tror jeg stadig på at der bliver dækket over den/de virkelig skyldige evt. eller rettere sansynligvis, efter ordre fra mafiaen. Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.

Redigeret af soi8 d. 03-11-2014 11:32

Oprettet af NFP d. 03-11-2014 13:04

soi8 skrev:
yindee skrev:
soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag

Det gør jeg heller ikke yindee, eller jeg håber den nærmest den gør, da der da vist ikke er meget tvivl om at de to drenge er uskyldige, men der hvor jeg vil hen med min kommentar er jo at så står man uden mistænkte da man (politiet) har satset på at få de to dømt. Personligt tror jeg stadig på at der bliver dækket over den/de virkelig skyldige evt. eller rettere sansynligvis, efter ordre fra mafiaen. Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.

Jeg er ikke uenig. Om de er skyldige eller uskyldige er der ingen der ved. Men med det politiarbejde der er lagt for dagen saa maa tvivlen komme de anklagede til gode, saa det ender nok med at de bliver frikendt pga manglende beviser. Det engelske politi var her kun for at observere og se gerningsstedet og saa er de dampet afsted igen.

Oprettet af yindee d. 04-11-2014 00:38

Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.

de fik sikkert ikke lov til ret meget det der undre mig er at de ikke kom med en udtagelse det kan jo tyde på at de har fundet noget som politiet herude ikke er helt tilfreds med

bortset fra det så kan vi se i aviser og tv at det er militæret som er ude og fange de kriminelle så militæret stoler heller ikke på politiet ((7))

Redigeret af yindee d. 04-11-2014 00:40

Oprettet af soi8 d. 04-11-2014 01:17

yindee skrev:
Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.

de fik sikkert ikke lov til ret meget det der undre mig er at de ikke kom med en udtagelse det kan jo tyde på at de har fundet noget som politiet herude ikke er helt tilfreds med

bortset fra det så kan vi se i aviser og tv at det er militæret som er ude og fange de kriminelle så militæret stoler heller ikke på politiet ((7))

Næh, men jeg stoler nu heller ikke på militæret, eller stoler for den sags skyld efterhånden ikke på nogen her i landet.
Det begynder at udvikle sig til et regulært militær regime. Flere og flere begrænsninger og restriktioner. Nu kommer der nye begrænsninger for udenlandske investorer. Det virker som om de gerne vil have udenlandsk kapital men helst ikke udlændinge. Er bange for de skyder sig selv i foden eller sågar i begge fødder.
I begyndelsen syntes jeg militæret gjorde det godt men efter de har fået hele magten udvikler det sig ganske anderledes.

Oprettet af dutling68 d. 04-11-2014 06:31


Redigeret af dutling68 d. 04-11-2014 06:32

Oprettet af soi8 d. 04-11-2014 06:51

dutling68 skrev:

???fejl??? hvad er fejl?

Oprettet af NFP d. 04-11-2014 12:17

soi8 skrev:
dutling68 skrev:

???fejl??? hvad er fejl? Her igen trusler mod pressen fra Hærchefen. Han vil bruge sin magt til at lægge låg på deres historier hvis ikke de stopper med at skrive om og vise billeder af Thaksin. Er det ikke militær regime så ved jeg ikke hvad det er.


Han oensker at udfoere det han har sat sig for uden indblanding og indtil videre gaar det jo ganske udmaerket. Fulderikken Chalerm har vaeret paa banen og udtalt "Hvis Thaksin holder op med at interessere sig for politik eller han doer, saa er der ikke noget Pheu Thai Parti tilbage". Med andre ord hvem er deres boss ? Thaksin. Hvorfor kan han ikke bare forholde sig i ro og leve stille og roligt med de ulovlige penge han har skrabet sammen ?

Redigeret af ADM d. 04-11-2014 12:24

Oprettet af NFP d. 04-11-2014 12:50


Her er lidt omkring en militaer aktion.

Haaber ikke det gaar lige som det raid i Khonkaen som politiet siger aldrig fandt sted paa trods af at det var paa tv.

Oprettet af yindee d. 05-11-2014 07:38

det fryder mit onde hjerte at Burma regering nu har forlangt en ny undersøgelse af sagen((11((

Myanmar wants murder case review

The Myanmar embassy has asked the Justice Ministry to reopen the investigation into the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao.

Lawyer Aung Myo Thant told the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) that the embassy made the request to the Thai Justice Ministry on Monday evening, on the basis the confessions by Myanmar suspects Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun were obtained through torture.

læs mere her http://www.bangko...ase-review

Oprettet af elmer d. 26-11-2014 13:03

sidste nyt

Bail rejected for Koh Tao suspects

he Koh Samui Provincial Court on Wednesday rejected bail requests for the two Myanmar men accused in the murder of two British backpackers on Koh Tao in September.

Surprising Myanmar embassy officials, who had expected bail to be granted, the court ruled that Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun posed a serious flight risk because they are Myanmar migrants accused of serious crimes, Myanmar online news website reported.


Redigeret af elmer d. 26-11-2014 13:05

Oprettet af thai d. 05-12-2014 02:29

Koh Tao witnesses 'scared to testify'
A lawyer for two Myanmar migrants accused of murdering a pair of British holidaymakers on Thursday said key witnesses are too afraid to come forward, hampering his clients' defence as they prepare to enter a plea.

Myanmar duo to enter pleas Monday
Koh Samui prosecutor Paiboon Achawananthakul said the pair will be taken from a prison on the island to Koh Samui Provincial Court at 9am on Monday.

Redigeret af ADM d. 09-07-2015 09:12

Oprettet af natie d. 09-07-2015 09:21

retssagen er nu startet hvad bliver dommen ???

Koh Tao policeman challenged over killings Island officer describes finding the bodies


KOH SAMUI, SURAT THANI - The police officer in charge of the investigation into the brutal killing of two Britons on Koh Tao appeared for the first time in court Wednesday to be questioned by a lawyer for the two Myanmar migrants facing murder charges.


DNA evidence questioned as Koh Tao trial opens


Oprettet af thai d. 10-07-2015 03:20

fin start på retssagen den lokale mafia står klar i kulisen

Worryingly, Sky News reporter Jonathan Samuels reported that the broadcaster’s translator had been “warned off” by local mafia; not a development that inspires confidence. There were numerous reports during last year’s hectic investigation of the murders that members of local mafia families were involved in the murder.


Oprettet af thai d. 11-07-2015 13:24

The Samui Provincial Court has ordered remaining forensic evidence in the Koh Tao tourist murders case to be sent for re-examination at the Justice Ministry's Central Institute of Forensic Science in line with a defence request.


Oprettet af M55 d. 23-07-2015 02:04

Koh Tao murder trial resumes in the Koh Samui provincial court
Today the Koh Tao murder trial resumed in the Koh Samui provincial court. The mothers of the accused, Wei Phyo and Zaw Lin flew in from Myanmar for…


Oprettet af M55 d. 24-07-2015 06:30

Court gives Koh Tao defence access to DNA evidence

The provincial court in Koh Samui has given defence lawyers for two Myanmar workers accused of murdering two British tourists on Koh Tao access to evidence for DNA testing, a defence attorney said Friday.

The defence team Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin, both aged 22, says police analyses of DNA samples found at the scene are the only evidence tying them to the murders of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, Sept 15, making retesting of the material crucial.


Oprettet af M55 d. 24-07-2015 06:31

Police didn't check CCTV on Koh Tao pier

Police failed to check CCTV footage from the only pier on the island where two British tourists were murdered last year, a lawyer for the two Myanmar nationals accused of the killings said Thursday.

Migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun are on trial for the murder of 24-year-old David Miller and the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Koh Tao in September.


Oprettet af yindee d. 11-09-2015 12:26

Koh Tao murders – Defendants DNA does not match DNA on the murder weapon

The head of Thailand’s central forensic institute Dr Porntip Rojanasunand delivered a blow to the prosecution in the Samui Provincial Court today when she announced that the DNA on the hoe used in the Koh Tao murders last September does not match that of the defendants.

Oprettet af soi8 d. 12-09-2015 08:53

yindee skrev:
Koh Tao murders – Defendants DNA does not match DNA on the murder weapon

The head of Thailand’s central forensic institute Dr Porntip Rojanasunand delivered a blow to the prosecution in the Samui Provincial Court today when she announced that the DNA on the hoe used in the Koh Tao murders last September does not match that of the defendants.

Jeg har personligt aldrig troet på at de to Burmesiske knægte var skyldige, men nu er sagen jo trukket så langt ud at man aldrig finder de virkelige skyldige som jo nok er Thaier med relationer til mafiaen. Skylden skal jo altid skydes på ikke Thaier og mafiaen beskyttes for enhver pris

Oprettet af yindee d. 13-09-2015 06:42

Jeg har personligt aldrig troet på at de to Burmesiske knægte var skyldige, men nu er sagen jo trukket så langt ud at man aldrig finder de virkelige skyldige som jo nok er Thaier med relationer til mafiaen. Skylden skal jo altid skydes på ikke Thaier og mafiaen beskyttes for enhver pris

de, den virkelige skyldige er fundet for lang tid siden, men men hans, deres far var, er højt på strå, såe vi må vente på at de bliver taget ind

Redigeret af yindee d. 13-09-2015 07:03

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 12-10-2015 07:07

vi venter og ser hvad der sker

SURAT THANI - The Koh Samui Provincial Court has set Dec 24 to deliver its judgement on two Myanmar men accused of murdering two British tourists on Koh Tao island on Sept 15 last year.

The court set the date after hearing Zaw Lin, one of the defendants, testify in his own defence.

Zaw Lin is charged, along with Win Zaw Htun, with the murder of David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Sept 15, 2014 at Sai Ree beach on the resort island in Koh Phangan district.


Oprettet af thai d. 22-12-2015 02:24

Koh Tao ruling imminent

A team of lawyers representing two Myanmar migrant workers accused of the rape and murder of a female British tourist and the murder of a male British tourist on Koh Tao is anxiously awaiting the verdict. The ruling will be read on Thursday.


Oprettet af thai d. 24-12-2015 04:57

Så faldt dommen

Myanmar pair guilty of Koh Tao murders, get death sentence
Myanmar migrant workers Zaw Lin (left) and Win Zaw Htun arrive at the Koh Samui provincial court in Koh Samui Thursday. A Thai judge found the two Myanmar migrant workers guilty of killing two British tourists at the end of last year, following a trial that has been mired in controversy.

KOH SAMUI – Two Myanmar men were found guilty and sentenced to death on Thursday in the high-profile murder case of two British backpackers found bludgeoned on Koh Tao last year, a gruesome crime that focused global attention on tourist safety and police conduct in the country.

Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin, both 22, were sentenced to death for the rape and murder of Hannah Witherridge, 23, and the killing of David Miller, 24, on the resort island Sept 15, 2014, plus two extra years for theft and illegal entry into the kingdom.

The defendants had pleaded innocent, saying they were tortured by police to make initial confessions to the crimes. Human rights groups repeatedly called for an independent investigation and raised concerns that the men might be scapegoats.


Oprettet af soi8 d. 24-12-2015 08:34

Tja....så fik de jo den sag "tørret af' også, skræmmende!

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 24-12-2015 09:23

soi8 skrev:
Tja....så fik de jo den sag "tørret af' også, skræmmende!

nej den sag bliver appelleret, der vil komme mange flere overskrifter i alverdens aviser

Oprettet af Kent d. 24-12-2015 10:38

Oprettet af soi8 d. 24-12-2015 15:17

Je suis Charlie skrev:
soi8 skrev:
Tja....så fik de jo den sag "tørret af' også, skræmmende!

nej den sag bliver appelleret, der vil komme mange flere overskrifter i alverdens aviser

Sikkert nok, ja, men stadig skræmmende Hvordan rettergangen er i Thailand. Det drejer sig kun om at få skylden lagt over på udlændinge. Man skulle jo nødigt tabe ansigt og miste turist indtægter. Hvor herre bevares!

Oprettet af natie d. 25-12-2015 10:29

ingen nævnt ingen glemt

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 26-12-2015 13:01

2,400 demand justice for Koh Tao convicts

Protests against Koh Tao ruling
Thousands gather in Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi and Yangon as protests intensify against the conviction of two Myanmar men in the Koh Tao murder case.

se foto her: https://www.bangk...tao-ruling

Redigeret af ADM d. 29-08-2019 09:54

Oprettet af Elmer55 d. 07-03-2016 02:50

god video der belyser sagen reklamen tager kun 15 cekunter

Murder in Paradise
With exclusive images, never-before-seen evidence and interviews with key figures on the island, Murder in Paradise sheds new light on a global news story, putting Thailand under the spotlight and asking whether this is still the travel destination from heaven, or hell?


Redigeret af ADM d. 21-08-2017 06:18

Oprettet af M55 d. 01-03-2017 12:16

sidste nyt i sagen

Death sentence upheld for Myanmar pair over Brit killings in Thailand

Two Myanmar migrant workers convicted of killing a pair of British backpackers on a Thai holiday island lost their appeal against the death sentence, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were found guilty of killing David Miller, 24, and the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge, 23, whose battered bodies were found on a beach on the southern diving resort of Koh Tao in September 2015.

Their original conviction in December 2015 was mired in controversy.

Prosecutors insisted their evidence against the men was rock solid.

But the defence accused the police of bungling their investigation from the outset after local detectives came under huge pressure to solve a case that risked damaging the country's vital tourism sector.

Investigators were accused of failing to properly collect and preserve DNA samples and declining to test key pieces of evidence, such as Witheridge's clothes, or allow independent examination of the samples.

But a higher court threw out the defence's appeal.

"The Appeals Court upheld the Criminal Court's ruling against the two Myanmar suspects," Theerawut Phamhun, deputy provincial prosecutor of Surat Thani province, told AFP.

He said the appeal judges ruled the evidence investigation "were up to standard" and that DNA found at the scene matched the suspects.

The defence now have 30 days to appeal to Thailand's Supreme Court, the final court of appeal.

Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun's defence lawyer did not pick up his phone Wednesday.

While Thailand keeps the death penalty on its books it is rarely carried out.


Oprettet af thai d. 21-08-2017 06:37

Defence to appeal Koh Tao verdicts


Oprettet af per1234 d. 23-08-2017 07:06

Koh Tao pair face 2-week appeal wait


Redigeret af per1234 d. 23-08-2017 07:07

Oprettet af per1234 d. 01-10-2017 10:16

The Supreme Court of Thailand has accepted the final appeal of Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, the two migrant workers sentenced to death for the murders of British Tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on Koh Tao.


Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 15-08-2018 06:48

Murder In Paradise – Koh Tao Documentary

This documentary Murder in Paradise claims to have “exclusive images and
never-before-seen evidence” on the murders of David Miller and Hannah

Oprettet af McBarfine d. 15-08-2018 14:07

Tak for et godt informativt videoindlæg, nu er jeg ikke længere i tvivl om at det er de rette der får en god og velfortjent dødsstraf. -rip-

Oprettet af thai d. 29-08-2019 16:02

Thailand vil stadig henrette to mænd for mordet på britisk par

To mænd fra Myanmar, der er dødsdømt for mordet på et britisk par på øen Koh Tao i Thailand, SKAL henrettes.
Det har Thailands højesteret netop besluttet, fordi de kriminaltekniske beviser og beviserne fra mobiltelefoner alle støtter den oprindelige strafudmåling.

Kroppene af den 23-årige Hannah Witheridge og den 24-årige David Miller blev fundet på stranden på Koh Tao i september 2014.

Witheridge var blevet voldtaget og slået ihjel, men Miller havde skader på hovedet, og han druknede efter at være blevet slæbt ud i havet.

To gæstearbejdere fra Myanmar, Saw Lin og Wai Phyo, blev fundet skyldige i mordene og idømt dødsstraf i december 2015.

Dødsdommene udløste dog protester fra flere lande.

Det blev blandt andet hævdet, at der var blevet lavet falske beviser mod dem, og at dna fra de to var blevet forkert behandlet. Det skriver Sky News.

De to mænds forsvarere sagde, at deres oprindelige indrømmelser – som senere blev trukket tilbage – var fremkommet under tortur. De kendte heller ikke til deres rettigheder, da de blev afhørt første gang.

Efterforskningen af mordene på de to briter, som havde mødt hinanden på netop Koh Tao, hvor de boede på samme hotel, blev kritiseret, da den var i gang.

Det thailandske politi blev kraftigt kritiseret for deres håndtering af sagen, og mange sagde efter dommen i 2015, at de to fra Myanmar var syndebukke.

Da højesteret nu holdt fast i dødsdommene, sad de to dømte med benene og hænderne låst fast, mens de lyttede til beslutningen.

Det er nu op til kongen at beslutte, om de to faktisk skal henrettes. En sidste appel skal sendes til kong Maha Vajiralongkorn om benådning.


Redigeret af ADM d. 30-08-2019 08:04

Oprettet af thai d. 22-08-2020 08:34

Dødsdomme omstødt

De to dømte mænd har fået reduceret deres dødsdomme til livsvarigt fængsel. Omstødelsen af deres domme er givet i anledning af den thailandske konges fødselsdag den 28. juli.

Ved god opførelse, så vil de også have mulighed for at få reduceret deres domme yderligere.

Læs evt. nærmere på: Bangkok Post https://www.bangk...s-commuted

Redigeret af thai d. 22-08-2020 08:34