Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Songkran 2019: Welcome to the world's biggest water fight!

Oprettet af thai d. 15-04-2019 12:32

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 17-04-2019 18:56

Incredible scenes from Thailand yesterday as tens of thousands of tourists joined celebrations for the country's Songkran new year celebrations.

Massive crowds descended on the Silom Road area of the capital Bangkok where they had a mass water fight - spraying each other with guns and throwing buckets of cold water.

The annual festival began hundreds of years ago with locals sprinkling water on their elders to bring good luck for the year ahead.

And while millions of Thais take part in the tradition in villages and towns around the country, in recent years it has also developed into a highly commercialised three-day event with millions of tourists converging on major cities and resorts to join in.

Silom Road in Bangkok is one of the most popular destinations for the festivities and water fights continue round the clock through the early hours of the morning and again the next day.

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 17-04-2019 18:58

Khon Kaen natives celebrated Songkran on Monday evening with a world recordbreaking human wave that lasted 17.41 minutes, beating the previous record of
17.14 minutes set at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium, Japan back in 2015.

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 18-04-2019 20:30

ROAD accidents during the first five days of the Songkran festival have left 297 people dead and 2,807 injured with drunken driving again singled out as the main cause of the accidents, according to the Road Safety Operations Centre (RSOC) on Tuesday.

Oprettet af skipper d. 19-04-2019 00:31

Jeg kan godt huske min første Songkran, det var på Phuket, og det var skiseme da sjovt do, dengang altså.

Vi kørte rundt i en Beach buggy sammen med en amerikansk millionær oppe i bjergene, vi var skidefulde, og han var skævere end tårnet i Pisa, tilsidst måtte konens søster overtage rattet, ellers var det nok endt galt.

Dengang var det lidt som et eventyr, hvor vi besøgte de små landsbyer og børnene malede os i ansigtet og gjorde tegn og underlige gerninger

Tak til de små børn der bare var så søde((5))

Men i dag vil jeg helst undvære buksevand når jeg prøver at snige mig over på nærmeste Beer Bar tidlig på formidagen med blodskudte øjne og ondt i håret.

Måske er jeg blevet for gammel, eller er det de andre der er gået i barndom?

Oprettet af Casper d. 20-04-2019 11:55

Oprettet af Casper d. 23-04-2019 19:09

lidt foto fra festen ((5))

Songkran festival:

People are on Songkran vacation and celebrating the traditional New Year festival nationwide.