Antal indlæg: 3361 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Mange ville sikkert gyse ved tanken om ufrivilligt at tilbringe hvert eneste sekund af livet sammen med en anden person, men for de siamesiske tvillingesøstre Pin og Pan er det ikke kun realiteter, det er også sådan de foretrækker at leve.
De syvårige piger fra Thailand er født med individuelle hoveder, overkroppe og arme, men er vokset sammen ved hoften, og deler et par ben.
Pin og Pan styrer hver sit ben, men alligevel har de lært at samarbejde om at gå, spise, klæde sig på og endda køre på cykel i fællesskab.
De to søstres bånd er så stærkt, at de aldrig nogensinde vil skilles ad - ikke engang hvis det skulle vise sig at være muligt gennem en operation.
- Det kunne være dejligt, hvis de kunne blive adskilt, men jeg tror ikke det er muligt, og de er glade som de er, lyder det fra pigernes bedstefar.
Pigernes bedstemor fik et chok første gang hun så sine børnebørn, men har sidenhen indset, at Pin og Pan er glade som de er.
- Jeg har aldrig ønsket at se dem adskilt, selv hvis det var muligt. Det er aldrig falet mig ind, siger hun.
Antal indlæg: 3361 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
his little duo in California are living a new life after having undergone separation surgery in December 2016. Both were left with one leg each, but it was expected that they’d be able to stand and walk with a crutch in a year’s time.
Eva and Erika Sandoval, 2-year-old twins who were previously conjoined, are apparently now thriving, more than a year after their high-risk surgery on Dec. 6, 2016.
Speaking of how the twins are doing, their mother, Aida, said to the Sacramento Bee: “Having them separate, it’s like the day-to-day for anybody with twins. It’s a wonderful feeling, just to be able to make sure two more little babies get to adulthood.”
Antal indlæg: 717 Tilmeldt: 13.01.10 Status: Offline
Nogen gange er det nok os andre, som mener hvad der er bedst for dem. Men reelt er de jo vant til det og har fundet løsninger på deres "handicap".
Her er f.eks. et andet par tvillinger, som klarer sig ganske fint.
Although they are two completely separate people, these accomplished teens share a body and have just two arms and legs between them.
Born in 1990, the girls have been brought up in a small, tightly knit community in Minnesota, almost completely protected from prying eyes and inquisitive stares. To their friends and family, they are distinct people with very different personalities, needs, tastes and desires. But to the outside world they are a medical mystery -- particularly given the fact that they can do virtually all the same things as their friends, including playing the piano, riding a bike, swimming and playing softball "Their personalities make them inspirational," says their mother Patty. "They never give up; anything they want to do, they go out and do it."
The medical world is keen to find out how two separate brains and nervous systems can work in such a perfectly co-ordinated way, but the twins and their family have always resisted non-essential medical tests. "The family want to treat them as though they are just like everyone else," says Joy Westerdahl, the girls' doctor, who admits that it is a mystery how their unique physiology functions.
As they enter adulthood, the twins are likely to leave the haven of their home town and face the wider world. In preparation for that time, they have taken part in this intimate documentary to show the world what it is like to be joined for life.