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Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 26-01-2017 13:47

Aussie Asshat Pranking His Pal In Phuket

The thing is, this pair of pillocks seem to miss the point that their jokes and pranks aren’t funny when they are imposing them on others… like the stall holder selling the shorts and tees in the clip.

read more

Redigeret af ADM d. 20-12-2019 08:59

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 26-01-2017 13:53

Farrang Vandals Pulling Down Thai Flags

The two men were walking past Sunny Fashion in Krabi when one decides it would be a good idea to tear down a flag. Not wanting to be outdone, his bellend buddy then goes about pulling down another three flags.

read more https://www.stick...hai-flags/

Redigeret af ADM d. 10-09-2018 02:39

Oprettet af M55 d. 28-01-2017 08:07

Pattaya Police Hunt Prankster Who Paid Girls With Fake Cash To Flash

Pattaya police are on the lookout for a YouTube prankster who approached women offering them $100 to show him their boobs, paying those willing to flash their funbags with fake money.

Viktor Crazy has uploaded several videos from Pattaya in the past week including, “Girls Want To Have Sex” in which he walks around in a Borat style mankini.

In another he named “Do You Wanna Suck” the Ukrainian – who claims he’s an American from Las Vegas – misleads women into thinking he wants a blowjob before handing them a lollipop and then the one that caught the attention of cops, “ASK GIRLS TAKE OFF ALL CLOTHES FOR MONEY !! HOW MUCH SHOW ?!”.

Read More: https://www.stick...ash-flash/

Redigeret af ADM d. 13-09-2022 15:33

Oprettet af reve d. 05-02-2017 06:12

Two boozed-up Brits attacked a Pattaya bar manager after they were asked to settle their bill and leave the Soi 6 bar.

Sam Bates, manager of Roxy Bar, was left needing 17 stitches to his head and legs following the unprovoked attack by two British men, one of whom was named as Shaun Robson from Middlesbrough, England.

Redigeret af ADM d. 10-09-2018 02:44

Oprettet af bz d. 06-02-2017 10:22

Farrang Waiter Working At A Chinatown Restaurant

en temmelig dum falang der arbejder som tjener, et job som han ikke kan få en arbejds tilladelse til

det varer ikke lang tid før at de små sorte kommer og henter ham når han udstiller sig selv på nettet

Redigeret af ADM d. 10-09-2018 02:48

Oprettet af ribe d. 09-05-2017 15:21

så fik de fat på manden der fik 1000 baht i bøde ((8((

SURAT THANI - A Spanish man caught in a video clip having sex with a foreign woman on Koh Samui in broad daylight was charged and fined 1,000 baht.

The 28-year-old foreigner (name withheld) admitted he was the man in the clip when police tracked him down to a hotel room on Hat Ban Nathon beach in tambon Ang Thong on Tuesday,said Pol Col Paithoon Krajajang, chief of Koh Samui police.


Redigeret af ribe d. 09-05-2017 15:24

Oprettet af harry eker d. 27-09-2018 05:09

han er godt nok sur, den gale englænder der klager over at auto værkstedet larmer, der skal sku være ro i gaden efter kl 1800

Redigeret af harry eker d. 27-09-2018 05:13

Oprettet af alene d. 14-10-2018 09:08

En turist har slettet et foto af ham selv på Twitter, der laver en håndstand foran en Buddha figur inde i Wat Pho og givet en undskyldning.

Jeg vil sige undskyld til alle. Det var ikke min mening at såre nogle

Redigeret af ADM d. 02-01-2019 02:33

Oprettet af alene d. 30-10-2021 09:58

Rooftopping/Urbex Bangkok

Oprettet af Je suis Charlie d. 18-01-2022 16:34

Udlænding går amok... men taler fantastisk thai

Denne udlænding vakte bekymring, da han opførte sig uberegnelig foran biler i Bangkok.

Politiet ankom, og efter et par ord lod de ham gå.

This foreigner sparked concern when he was behaving erratically in front of cars in Bangkok. Cops arrived and after a few words, they let him go.

Clearly he was worse for wear, but in his defence, he spoke great Thai and even knew how to wear one of their loin cloths properly.

Oprettet af JohnJ d. 23-01-2022 17:22

Hold k... en kolbøtte! Måske en Ajarn der er blevet vanvittig "by going native"?

Oprettet af M55 d. 13-09-2022 15:25

British-Thai wakeboarder charged after doing stunts on flooded highway

Professional wakeskater and wakeboarder Daniel "Tao" Grant was charged with traffic violations after playing a wakeboard on a flooded section of a national highway in Pathum Thani last Friday.

Mr Grant’s action may have caused danger or damage to vehicles or persons or obstruct the traffic, Pol Lt Col Suchai Saengsong, deputy chief of Khlong Luang police station, said on Tuesday.

He confessed and apologised for the incident, Pol Lt Col Suchai said.

read more att:https://www.bangk...ed-highway

Oprettet af alan d. 25-06-2023 07:45

A Swiss tourist ‘high on drugs’ was arrested after going berserk on Koh Chang island. Baur Markus, 58, allegedly took methamphetamine tablets before smashing up his room.

The landlord reported the expat to the police after loud noises were heard from his room. Officers said they found a dental floss box containing 29.79 grams of cannabis. Baur tested positive for methamphetamine and marijuana and was charged.

Oprettet af alan d. 28-06-2023 13:37

en mere til samlingen

This drunk Norwegian tourist was arrested during a rampage through Pattaya. The 55-year-old holidaymaker was seen breaking signs, shouting in the streets, and fighting with locals.

Concerned residents told police that the middle-aged man was blocking vehicles on the road and smashing items in stores. Cops waisted no time in dragging him off to a local holding cell!

Oprettet af ana d. 27-10-2023 03:23

Thai social media users have called upon the police to take action against a serial foreign motorcyclist offender, observed engaging in reckless driving along Bangkok’s Sukhumvit Road. Referred to by locals as “Tua Tueng Sukhumvit,” which translates to “the top of Sukhumvit,” the foreign rider has drawn attention across the region.

Oprettet af ana d. 10-11-2023 15:57

Russian Man Arrested in Pattaya After Public Rampage in his Birthday Suit

Oprettet af ana d. 26-01-2024 17:20

A taxi driver was left startled after a passenger gave him two 500 euro notes as fare for a trip that only cost 677 baht. The passenger, a foreigner, told the driver, “I gave you change,” insinuating he didn’t want any change back.

Visit The Thaiger for the full story here: https://thethaige...-baht-ride

Redigeret af ADM d. 26-01-2024 17:20

Oprettet af IT d. 17-03-2024 09:18

Je suis Charlie skrev:
Udlænding går amok... men taler fantastisk thai

Denne udlænding vakte bekymring, da han opførte sig uberegnelig foran biler i Bangkok.

Politiet ankom, og efter et par ord lod de ham gå.

This foreigner sparked concern when he was behaving erratically in front of cars in Bangkok. Cops arrived and after a few words, they let him go.

Clearly he was worse for wear, but in his defence, he spoke great Thai and even knew how to wear one of their loin cloths properly.

ja han er noget for sig selv skør og lidt tosset måske, men på en god og sjov måde syntes jeg

Oprettet af thai d. 31-03-2024 11:39

Foreigner Allegedly on Drugs Causes Ruckus in Pattaya

Pattaya City police were dispatched to the incident scene and found a foreigner causing a rampage and appearing to be drug-intoxicated. The foreigner was reportedly afraid of everybody who was near him and “waied” the police all the time.


Oprettet af tinner d. 28-05-2024 15:17

Hans thailandske kæreste har sagt ja

Per Zeidler, 61, har rigeligt at se til for tiden. På mandag skal han i Vestre Landsret omkring en sag om rufferi. Og mislykkes det skal han nok en tur bag tremmer.

Men midt i kampen for sin frihed kan den 61-årige eks-politiker glæde sig over en ting.
Han skal nemlig giftes.

Jeg mødte hende for seks år siden i Thailand, siger Per om 49-årige Mai, der altså har sagt ja.

Dengang var hun turguide for Per Zeidler:

- Vi havde det vældig sjovt. Og da jeg skulle hjem, spørger hun mig, om jeg ikke kunne tænke mig at vende tilbage til Bangkok.

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